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ROI Properties

Lizette Calitz

in 1 suburbs
Average Selling Price
ZARĀ 3,000,000
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About Me

I am a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in the real estate sector. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence, combining my extensive knowledge of the corporate environment with a genuine passion for helping clients achieve their property goals. As a skilled real estate agent I have honed my ability to listen attentively to clients' needs, understanding their unique preferences and aspirations. Whether assisting first-time homebuyers, seasoned investors, or commercial clients, I consistently provides personalized, professional service. My expertise extends beyond property transactions, and is well-versed in market trends, property valuation, negotiation strategies, and legal intricacies. My clients appreciate my transparent communication, ethical approach, and dedication to achieving optimal outcomes. In addition to my real estate prowess, I thrive in the fast-paced corporate landscape. I understand the importance of collaboration, adaptability, and strategic thinking. My ability to navigate complex business dynamics has contributed to my success in both client interactions and team environments. When not immersed in real estate deals, I enjoy staying informed about industry innovations, attending conferences, and networking with fellow professionals. My commitment to continuous learning ensures that I remain at the forefront of industry developments.

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3 Bergzicht
City/Town: Bellville
Suburb: Proteavallei
Sold on 01 February 2024
Selling Price: ZARĀ 3,000,000
Francois Rossouw
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- A private entity