
How to be the best agent.

At best agent we rank agents according to the following criteria. The town and suburb you made the sale in, the number of sales, the average price of the sales and the number of stars you received from clients that give you reviews.

We verify all this data including the reviews and use this to rank the agent in the suburb they made the sales.

So agents in the same suburb would be compared against each other.

Agents may ask would sellers and buyers not always only contact the number 1 agent? Well from our data and data collected from similar sites n America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the answer is no, Sellers and buyers on average ask 3 agents to give valuations or to contact them. This is not always just from the top three agents either. People have their own reasons to choose the agent they wish to work with, now for the first time they have information about each estate agent that has been verified and therefore trusted.

Agents can use this information as testimonials and as a CV when engaging with clients for the first time.

At the end of this year sometime in December 2024 we will be celebrating the estate agents achievements with a Best Agent Awards. The number 1 agent from each Provence and large Town will be given a prize. Wait and see.

Meet property experts from developments to finance.

So now you know why to join and how it helps you.

Register, create your verifiable CV and load your sales to take the top spot.

Marcel Koole This blog post author is Marcel Koole

Marcel Koole